Del Mar Plaza is a 74,887 square-foot mixed-use center located in Del Mar, CA. Situated in San Diego County, Del Mar has a population of 5,000 and encompasses 2 square miles along the California coastline.
- ±72,000 SF shopping center located in the prominent Del Mar Village
- Weekly community events on the various terraces/event space held
- Just blocks from the Pacific Ocean
- Close proximity to the Del Mar Fairgrounds with year-round events, including the Del Mar Horse Races, the County Fair, concerts, exhibitions, and more
- Rare dedicated parking garage
- Population: 4,335 (Del Mar), 98,759 (5 mile radius)
- Average Household Income: $237,610 (Del Mar), $204,789 (5 mile radius)
- Households: 2,170 (Del Mar), 38,254 (5 mile radius)
Traffic Counts
- 25,797 Average Daily Traffic (Camino Del Mar)
- 4,312 Average Daily Traffic (15th Street)