Marketplace Beaumont is an 187,851 square foot community center anchored by Aldi, HomeGoods and other national retailers. Built in 2008, the Property consists of 8 buildings spread across 25.30 acres of land on one parcel in Beaumont, CA (Riverside County).


  • Located at the intersection of 2nd Street and Highland Springs Road, Beaumont’s #1 retail location
  • Anchored by Home Goods, Aldi, Best Buy, Ross Dressfor Less, and Petco
  • Freeway visibility from Interstate 10


  • 2023 Population: 85,407 (5 mile radius), 173,941 (10 mile radius)
  • 2023 Average Household Income: $107,830 (5 mile radius)

Traffic Counts

  • ±136,000 Average Daily Traffic (Interstate 10)